So Many Brain Rules!
Too Many Rules?
      It seems that there is so much that affects our brain function. How will it ever be possible to teach everything we want to teach? Or learn everything we want to learn? Will there ever be a perfect scenarios where we have enough sleep, exercise, and visual integration? Will we ever have less stress or anything else diminished that would be fighting against our brains?
      It seems like we have so much working against our brain power but the fact of the matter is that our brains are strong and with proper care there are countless things we can do. The best we can do as teachers is provide our students with we know and encourage parents to do the same. We can make things visual and interesting. We can encourage active recess and academic discovery. We can understand visuals and use pictures to grab attention. We should “test the power of images,  communicate with pictures more than words, and toss the Power Point presentations (Medina, pgs. 238-239).  We have the power to influence our children and we need to do what we can to use that influence to the best of our ability!


Medina, J., (2008). Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. Seattle, WA: Pear Press.
Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork -- reading, writing, thinking -- can.

~Helen Gurley Brown
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